1. Stock are subject to availability.
2. Order must be made at least 2 weeks in advance.
3. For order place less than 2 weeks will be classified as urgent order and a
charge is applicable at $5 per piece.
4. Order for festive season must be made at least 1 month in advance (X'mas &
Valentine). For order place less than 1 month will be classified as urgent order
and a charge is applicable at $8 per piece.
5. Payment must be made prior to order:
- For orders $50 and above, deposit of 50% is payable at time of order.
- Orders below $50, upfront payment is required.
- Orders will only be processed after deposit/payment is made.
6. Payment by bank transfer only, to POSB Current account 907-01824-5.
7. Self-collection at Jurong East only. No delivery at this moment.
8. The prices of gift are subjected to change.
9. For inquiries and orders, contact Janice at 93667098 or email to